"Sons and Daughters"
David Lusk Gallery Memphis
97 Tillman St
Memphis, TN 38111
Jan 3 to Feb 11, 2023
My new work centers mostly around the teenage sons and daughters of friends and family who have all been affected deeply by social anxiety, depression, loneliness, anorexia and other self-defeating behavior.
I am not quite sure how I landed there, but it seemed urgent to portray them.
I’ve been working with tattooed figures for the past four years. The tattoos are fables, they are mythical signs, they are excerpts from poetry, they are rites of passage. These tattoos are unapologetic and brave, political, even if not in a direct way. They are markers of the world we live in and this time that on so many levels feels right on the edge in many ways, both personal and general.
They speak of shadow work, of exploring the dark sides of our psyche, but also of strength and hope.
I chose the images and poetry in an instinctual way, as I don’t know these young adults' true pain and difficulties. Most of the poetry is by the young mystic Chelan Harkin, as well as by the much celebrated Mary Oliver.
In the past six months I have become more focused on watercolors and gouache, making much larger images.There is an immediacy to these techniques that require utmost attention yet also carry the tenderness of the moment with it that feels physically and emotionally very good to me.
Anne Siems
Winter 2022